If you have any interest in electronics at all, chances are you will have heard of Arduino and Raspberry Pi circuit boards. You could be forgiven for thinking that they are similar in scope and function, when actually they offer really quite different solutions. In this Raspberry Pi vs Arduino comparison article, Hitaltech explains the difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi and highlights the merits of our specialised development board enclosures.
Raspberry Pi vs Arduino
Let’s take a closer look at some of the differences between Arduino and Raspberry Pi, as well as exploring which applications each motherboard suits and, with that in mind, which one you should use.
What is the difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi?
An Arduino board is a user-friendly microcontroller, which is effectively a simple computer. It runs one program at a time repeatedly and right away at boot. A Raspberry Pi board, on the other hand, is a general-purpose computer. Typically run on a Linux operating system, the Pi can manage multiple programs but is more complicated to use than an Arduino. The Raspberry Pi is preferable for manufacturing and product development projects due to the fact that this compact and scalable personal computer allows for rapid prototyping during the design and development phase, which reduces an item’s time to market. Meaning your products are on-the-shelf and available to purchase in next-to-no-time at all.
What applications suit Arduino and Raspberry Pi?
An Arduino board is the best choice for simple, repetitive tasks. This could be anything from switching lights on and off to reading temperature sensors and driving a basic robot. As we alluded to above, Raspberry Pi is a better choice when your project calls for a fully-fledged personal computer. As such, the Pi enables you to carry out more complex tasks simultaneously, such as connecting to the internet and acting as a web server.
So should I use an Arduino or Raspberry Pi?
That entirely depends on your application! If you’re planning on executing a single, repetitive task then an Arduino is your best bet. However, for anything more complicated, involving various tasks and greater technicality, you’re likely to be better served by a Raspberry Pi. Remember that these devices can be used side by side when connected via a local private network, USB, or running I/O ports from an Arduino to a Pi.
Arduino and Raspberry Pi connection solutions
Hitaltech offers a range of development board enclosures. Developed around our DIN Rail mounting Modulbox XTS and Railbox ranges, our enclosures have been modified to house various embedded platforms, including Raspberry Pi and Arduino. By modifying the standard enclosure, we can offer a development board enclosure produced with specific openings for the input/output requirements of your specific embedded platform.
Modulbox Enclosure for Arduino
Hitaltech supplies Arduino enclosures to house the Arduino YUN, UNO and MEGA. These enclosures can be customised to suit your specific requirements through a cost-effective printing and/or machining service. This enables you to receive a branded and modified enclosure to suit your application.
Modulbox & Railbox Enclosures for Raspberry Pi
We also offer a range of Raspberry Pi enclosures. These DIN Rail mounting enclosures are built specifically to house the Raspberry Pi embedded platform. Our Modulbox and Railbox enclosures provide a modular, plastic enclosure for DIN Rail mounting of Raspberry Pi B, Raspberry Pi B+ and Raspberry 4 boards.
If you would like to find out more about our products, including our development board enclosures for Arduino and Raspberry Pi, please contact us today on +44 (0)1253 899910 or email uksales@hitaltech.co.uk. The Hitaltech team is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.